Commit 07b36978 by huahua


parent ac04536f
......@@ -270,57 +270,54 @@
<ProgressBar :Width="percent" Type="candy"></ProgressBar>
<!-- 1、增加在线定制站、正在休息-》体验中;
4、排队列表,没有打印中状态的,全都是排队中 -->
<!-- 菜单栏目 -->
<view v-if="!active && !guide_left" class="toolRight">
<view class="tool_li">
<view class="tool_li" @click="showPopup(99)">
<view class="tool_li" @click="showPopup(99)" >
<image class="tool_li_img" src="../../static/img/icon_history_image.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="tool_li_text">历史作品</view>
<view class="tool_li" @click="showPopup(2)">
<view class="tool_li" @click="showPopup(2)" v-if=" is_public == 1">
<image class="tool_li_img" src="../../static/icon/icon_stickers.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="tool_li_text">贴图素材</view>
<view class="tool_li" @click="showPopup(24)" v-if="surface_type != 1">
<view class="tool_li" @click="showPopup(24)" v-if="surface_type != 1 ">
<image class="tool_li_img" src="../../static/icon_make_diy_uplaod_image.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="tool_li_text">背景底色</view>
<view class="tool_li" @click="showone = !showone" v-if="diy_upload_menu == 1">
<view class="tool_li" @click="showone = !showone" v-if=" diy_upload_menu == 1">
<image @click="cancel('share')" class="tool_li_img"
src="../../static/icon_make_diy_back_color.png" mode=""></image>
<view @click="cancel()" class="tool_li_text">上传相片</view>
<view class="tool_li" @click="showPopup(3)">
<view class="tool_li" @click="showPopup(3)" v-if="diy_upload_menu == 1">
<image class="tool_li_img" src="../../static/icon_diy_typeface.png"
style="width: 45upx; height: 40upx;" mode=""></image>
<view @click="cancel()" class="tool_li_text">添加文字</view>
<view class="tool_li" @click="ontuya()" v-if="machine_id">
<view class="tool_li" @click="ontuya()" v-if="diy_upload_menu == 1">
<image class="tool_li_img" style="width: 62upx; height: 55upx;" src="../../static/icon_tuya.png"
<view class="tool_li_text">添加涂鸦</view>
<view class="tool_li" @click="showAiChange()" style="height: 100upx;">
<view class="tool_li" @click="showAiChange()" style="height: 100upx;" v-if="system_config.baking_diy.value == 1">
<image class="tool_li_img" style="width: 55upx; height: 45upx;"
src="../../static/icon_diy_ai.png" mode="aspectFit"></image>
<view class="tool_li_text":style="{color: font_color}">AI图像</view>
<view class="tool_li" @click="openAiMakePicture()" >
<view class="tool_li" @click="openAiMakePicture()"v-if="system_config.baking_diy.value == 1" >
<image class="tool_li_img" style="width: 44upx; height: 43upx;"
src="../../static/icon_diy_draw_designs.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="tool_li_text":style="{color: font_color}">AI画图</view>
<!-- AI图像 -->
<!-- <view class="tool_li" @click.stop='showAiChange()'>
<image class="tool_li_img" style="width: 51upx; height: 38upx;"
src="../../static/icon_diy_ai.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="tool_li_text">AI图像</view>
</view> -->
<view class="tool_li" @click.stop="removedeleteItem" v-if="data.itemList.length > 0" >
<image class="tool_li_img" style="width: 50upx; height: 50upx;"
src="../../static/diy_icon_middle_default.png" mode=""></image>
......@@ -344,8 +341,6 @@
src="../../static/diy_icon_middle_default.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="tool_li_text">移除</view>
<view v-if="data.itemList.length > 0">
<view class="tool_li" v-if="data.itemList[data.cidx].type == 1" @click="showPopup(4)">
<image class="tool_li_img" style="width: 51upx; height: 51upx;"
......@@ -411,14 +406,14 @@
<!-- 文本,贴图,相框 1模板 2贴图 3字体 4编辑 22添加相框 -->
<uni-popup ref="showshare" :type="type" @change="change"
style="position: relative; z-index: 9998; width: 100%;" :style="{height: data.windowHeight +'px'}">
style="position: relative; z-index: 99999; width: 100%;" :style="{height: data.windowHeight +'px'}">
<!-- 文本 -->
<view class="uni-share full-width" :style="{height: data.windowHeight +'px'}"
v-if="e_active == 3 || e_active == 4">
style="position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 997; opacity: 0.8;"
style="position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 99999; opacity: 0.8;"
<view style="position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 25%; z-index: 999;">
<view style="position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 25%; z-index: 99999;">
<textsettings @textInput='textInput' @cancel="cancel" @workcolor="workcolor"
@workweight="workweight" @bgtextcolor="bgtextcolor" @typefaceClick="typefaceClick"
@typefaceshow="typefaceshow" ref="textsettings">
......@@ -431,11 +426,11 @@
class="uni-share full-width" :style="{height: data.windowHeight +'px'}">
<!-- 遮罩 -->
<view class="full-width"
style="position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; z-index: 997; opacity: 0.8;"
style="position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; z-index: 99999; opacity: 0.8;"
<!-- 正文 -->
style="position: absolute; bottom: 0upx; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 120upx; z-index: 999; background: #1A1D33; overflow: hidden;">
style="position: absolute; bottom: 0upx; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 120upx; z-index: 99999; background: #1A1D33; overflow: hidden;">
<view style="width: 120upx; height: 188upx;"></view>
<view style="width: 120upx;" :style="{height: (data.windowHeight - 188 * data.pixelRate) +'px'}"
v-if="e_active == 2 || e_active == 23 || e_active == 99 ">
......@@ -572,7 +567,6 @@
<!--Ai作画 -->
<uni-popup ref="showAiMakePicture" type="center" style="position: fixed; z-index: 9999; width: 200upx">
<view style="width: 700upx; height: 700upx;background: #FFFFFF; border-radius: 10upx; ">
......@@ -623,7 +617,6 @@
<switchGoods ref="switchGoods" @selectGoodItem="selectGoodSizeItem" @toCustomSize="toCustomSize"></switchGoods>
<!--商品弹框 -->
......@@ -833,7 +826,7 @@
isShowCircular: false, //是否圆形
real_width: "", //尺寸大小
goods_size_name: "", //尺寸名字
diy_upload_menu: 1, //diy_upload_menu为1是显示, diy_upload_menu为0时就不显示
isCustomize: false, //是否自定义
options: {},
defalutFillet: 0, //默认圆角
......@@ -851,6 +844,8 @@
activeRadio: '现代风', //存的是单选按钮选中的value值
radioGroup: ['现代风', '卡通风', '铅笔画风'],
upLoadImageUrl: "", //上传图片地址
diy_upload_menu: 0, //diy_upload_menu为1是显示, diy_upload_menu为0时就不显示
......@@ -4048,8 +4043,8 @@
itemlongtap(e) { //长按事件
var item = items[index]; // 获取当前选中的部件
itemlongtap(e) { //长按事件
var item = items[index]; //获取当前选中的部件
itemTouchStart: infoListTouchEvent.start.bind(infoListTouchEvent),
itemTouchMove: infoListTouchEvent.move.bind(infoListTouchEvent),
......@@ -4098,10 +4093,9 @@
} else {
that.isShowGif = false;
var curTime = e.timeStamp
var lastTime = e.currentTarget.dataset
.time // 通过e.currentTarget.dataset.time 访问到绑定到该组件的自定义数据
var lastTime = e.currentTarget.dataset.time //通过e.currentTarget.dataset.time 访问到绑定到该组件的自定义数据
if (curTime - lastTime > 0) {
if (curTime - lastTime < 300) { //是双击事件
if (curTime - lastTime < 300) { //是双击事件
if (items[index].type == 0) {
that.state = true
......@@ -4215,13 +4209,15 @@
//s: 'machine.newDetail',
machine_id: that.machine_id
}).then(res => {
that.machine_item = res
that.diy_upload_menu = res.diy_upload_menu
if ( == 1 && res.machine_category_id == "64") {
that.isComeDelivery = true;
} //key:null,//1直营配送站 2 万能通用版 3色彩自助站
that.support_pay = res.support_pay //单机版是否支付
that.is_public = res.is_public
}).catch(err => {});
that.queryPage.machine_id = options.machine_id || null // 设备id
that.key = 2
......@@ -4254,6 +4250,7 @@
data: {},
success: function(res) {
_this.system_config =
var animation = wx.createAnimation({
......@@ -1322,7 +1322,6 @@
buttomPosition: "buttom", //下
rightPosition: "right", //右
leftPosition: "left", //左
diy_upload_menu: 1,
defalutFillet: 0, //默认圆角
defalutFilletSize: 0, //弹框设置圆角大小
sliderdefaultWith: 160,
......@@ -1342,7 +1341,9 @@
aiStyle: "contemporary style",
activeRadio: '现代风', //存的是单选按钮选中的value值
radioGroup: ['现代风', '卡通风', '铅笔画风'],
upLoadImageUrl: ""
upLoadImageUrl: "",
diy_upload_menu: 0,
......@@ -1642,135 +1643,6 @@
}) = items
/* let width = 0
let height = 0
let top = 0
let lef = 0
let ratio = image.width / image.height
let ratiowidth = ( *_this.mix_scale) / image.width
let ratioheight = ( * _this.mix_scale) / image.height
width = * _this.mix_scale
height = image.height * ratiowidth
let index = items.length;
support_zoom: 1, // 0是不支持缩放,为1时支持缩放
support_drag: 1, // 0是不支持拖动,为1时支持拖动
is_under: 0, //贴图是否为背景图
is_discount: 0, //贴图是否用卷
id: index + 1,
type: 2, //0为图片,1为文字,2为素材
material_id: 0,
original_id: 0,
index: index,
font_family: '',
font_style: '',
font_size: '',
font_color: '',
under_color: '',
content:result.img_url, // 图片地址
top: _this.editor_top - height / 2, // 初始图片Y坐标,根据画布高/2-图片高/2
left: / 2 - width / 2, // 初始图片X坐标,因为div是相对定位,所以计算是要多减一次移动的距离
x: / 2, // 初始圆心位置,可再downImg之后又宽高和初始的图片位置得出
y: _this.editor_top,
scale: 1, // 缩放比例 1为不缩放
lastScale: 1, // 上一次的绽放比例
oScale: 1, // 缩放比例 1为不缩放
angle: 0, // 旋转角度
rotate: 0, // 旋转值
active: false, // 判定点击状态
width: width, // 预设生成图片的宽度
height: height, // 预设生成图片的高度
rScale: 1, // 图片原始缩放比例
// 新增加默认属性
activeguide: false, // 开启辅助线
activescale: false, // 开启旋转状态
activehorn: false, // 开启角状态
activeedge: false, // 开启边状态
initialScale: 1, // 图片缩放比例
initialscaling: 1, // 图片初始时缩放比例
initialScalex: 1, // 图片宽缩放比例
initialScaley: 1, // 图片高缩放比例
initialWidth: width, // 图片原始宽度
initialHeight: height, // 图片原始高度
frame_left: 0, // 裁剪窗口x
image_left: 0, // 图片x
frame_top: 0, // 裁剪窗口y
image_top: 0, // 图片y
isUpLoadImage: false
}) = items;
_this.saveSnapshot(); */
// let width = 0
// let height = 0
// let top = 0
// let lef = 0
// let ratio = image.width / image.height
// let ratiowidth = ( *
// _this.mix_scale) / image.width
// let ratioheight = (
// .editorHeight * _this.mix_scale) /
// image.height
// //console.log(_this.mix_scale)
// //if (ratio >= 1) { //长方形
// width = * _this
// .mix_scale
// height = image.height * ratiowidth
// let index = items.length;
// items.push({
// support_zoom: 1, // 0是不支持缩放,为1时支持缩放
// support_drag: 1, // 0是不支持拖动,为1时支持拖动
// is_under: 0, //贴图是否为背景图
// is_discount: 0, //贴图是否用卷
// id: index + 1,
// type: 2, //0为图片,1为文字,2为素材
// material_id: 0,
// original_id: 0,
// index: index,
// font_family: '',
// font_style: '',
// font_size: '',
// font_color: '',
// under_color: '',
// content: result.img_url, // 图片地址
// top: _this.editor_top - height / 2, // 初始图片Y坐标,根据画布高/2-图片高/2
// left: / 2 - width / 2, // 初始图片X坐标,因为div是相对定位,所以计算是要多减一次移动的距离
// x: / 2, // 初始圆心位置,可再downImg之后又宽高和初始的图片位置得出
// y: _this.editor_top,
// scale: 1, // 缩放比例 1为不缩放
// lastScale: 1, // 上一次的绽放比例
// oScale: 1, // 缩放比例 1为不缩放
// angle: 0, // 旋转角度
// rotate: 0, // 旋转值
// active: false, // 判定点击状态
// width: width, // 预设生成图片的宽度
// height: height, // 预设生成图片的高度
// rScale: 1, // 图片原始缩放比例
// //新增加默认属性
// activeguide: false, // 开启辅助线
// activescale: false, // 开启旋转状态
// activehorn: false, // 开启角状态
// activeedge: false, // 开启边状态
// initialScale: 1, // 图片缩放比例
// initialscaling: 1, // 图片初始时缩放比例
// initialScalex: 1, // 图片宽缩放比例
// initialScaley: 1, // 图片高缩放比例
// initialWidth: width, // 图片原始宽度
// initialHeight: height, // 图片原始高度
// frame_left: null, // 裁剪窗口x
// image_left: null, // 图片x
// frame_top: null, // 裁剪窗口y
// image_top: null, // 图片y
// isUpLoadImage: false
// })
// = items
// _this.saveSnapshot();
}).catch(err => {
......@@ -6290,6 +6162,7 @@
}).then(res => {
that.machine_item = res
that.diy_upload_menu = that.machine_item.diy_upload_menu
that.is_public = that.machine_item.is_public
}).catch(err => {
......@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@
import homeservice from '@/service/homeservice.js';
import userService from '@/service/UserService';
import FrImage from '@/components/fr-image/fr-image.vue'
import Signin from '../index/Signin.vue';
import myhead from './head/head.vue';
import switchGoods from '../index/switchGoods.vue'; //选择商品
......@@ -99,7 +98,6 @@
components: {
computed: {},
......@@ -126,8 +124,6 @@
methods: {
toProxyApplet() {
var url = Env.getBaseURL();
......@@ -304,14 +300,14 @@
if (res) {
this.list = res;
this.myheadtext = this.machine_id + '-' + res.code //头部标题栏
this.myheadtext = this.machine_id //头部标题栏
}).catch(err => {
this.msg = err.msg
this.statusloading = 2; = || '18938664545' =
this.myheadtext = '歇一歇' //头部标题栏
......@@ -366,7 +362,7 @@
if (options.machine_id) {
this.machine_id = options.machine_id;
this.myheadtext = this.machine_id + "-定制";
this.myheadtext = this.machine_id;
this.$base.machine_id = this.machine_id
this.statusloading = 1;
this.Adlist() // 轮播图
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
style="position: fixed; z-index:999; width: 100%; height: 100%; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.6); top: 0;"
@click.stop="sighstate = false"></view>
<view style="position: fixed; z-index: 1000; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; margin: auto;
width: 558upx; height: 490upx; background: #FFFFFF; border-radius: 10upx;
width: 558upx; height: 670upx; background: #FFFFFF; border-radius: 10upx;
display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center;">
<view style="position: absolute;
top: 0; right: 0;" @click.stop="sighstate = false">
......@@ -88,12 +88,36 @@
style="width: 26upx; height: 26upx; padding: 12upx 22upx;"></image>
<view style="width: 558upx;position: absolute; top: 40upx ">
<view style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center;
width: 500upx;
height: 350upx;
position: relative; margin: auto;">
<view style="width: 400upx; height: 300upx; display: flex; border: 1px solid #F6BE36;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px #ccc; border-radius: 10upx;">
<view style="width: calc(100% / 4); height: 100%;" v-for="item in 4" :key="a">
<image style="width: 36%; height: 36%; position: absolute;
top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;
margin: auto; z-index:1;" :src="designer.works_image + '?x-oss-process=image/resize,lfit,w_120'"
<!-- <view style="width: 400upx; height: 300upx; display: flex; border: 1px solid #F6BE36;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px #ccc; border-radius: 10upx;">
<view style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center;
width: 100%; height: 200upx; margin: auto;">
<image :src="designer.works_image + '?x-oss-process=image/resize,lfit,w_120'" mode="aspectFit" style=" margin: auto; width: 120upx; max-height: 200upx; "></image>
</view> -->
<!-- 作品排队中 -->
<view style="text-align: center; font-size: 34upx; margin-top: 50upx;">{{lineStatusText}}</view>
<view v-if="designer.status.value == 1" style="text-align: center; font-size: 36upx; margin-top: 50upx;">作品打印中</view>
<view v-if="designer.status.value != 1" style="text-align: center; font-size: 36upx; margin-top: 50upx;">作品排队中</view>
<!-- <view style="text-align: center; font-size: 34upx; margin-top: 50upx;">{{lineStatusText}}</view> -->
<view style="text-align: center; font-size: 34upx;">如需要打印可与客服确认</view>
<view v-if="designer.user_id == userId " @click="toOrderDetail(designer)" style="width: 135upx; height: 50upx;background: #F29F3D ;
border-radius: 40upx;

9.9 KB | W: | H:


42.6 KB | W: | H:

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